Learning from Connections: Lessons from the NHS-VHA Leadership Exchange on the adoption of digital health
John Cruickshank, Joanne Harding, Julia Manning
This is the second report on the VHA – NHS transatlantic Leadership Exchange which began in 2013, but which also builds on the Exchange Programme relationship dating back to 2002. Previous exchanges have led to numerous service improvements and this document details new lessons learnt and how delegates have begun to promote and introduce more efficient ways on working back in their local health communities. Scaling up technology enabled care services have the potential to support improved self-management of long term conditions, facilitate seven-day a week services and improve productivity through more efficient pathways.
“I am delighted to continue to capture learning to support improvements in the care we provide for our patients and the population we serve as part of the on-going Exchange Programme with the Veterans Health Administration. The most recent exchange has been focused around how technology is used to support Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) and this publication demonstrates many examples of where we are implementing change as a result of shared learning and provides insight to what has already been achieved and what is possible through collaboration, champions and enthusiasm.”
Joanne Harding, Associate Director for Transformation & Innovation, Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust
An NHS England commissioned publication
NHS England and 2020health are extremely grateful for the enthusiasm, dedication and time which VA staff dedicated to this Exchange Programme. Many thanks also to Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust, for hosting the Partnership Exchange on behalf of NHS England.