Growing older positively: The challenge of ageing with HIV
Gail Beer, Matt James, Sean Summers
This report reviews how HIV is strategically planned for and managed in the UK today and develops recommendations for Government and the NHS in light of changes in the patient profile. The goal must be to ensure that with appropriate care and support everyone with HIV can live a long and fulfilled life.
“Congratulations to the authors and team for producing such a well prepared and information-packed report.”
Andy Hilton, Chair, National Long Term Survivors Group
Recommendations from the report include:
- A national patient experience survey of people living with HIV should be funded by NHS England to help ensure independence is maintained.
- A map of funding routes for HIV should be published as part of the development of PHE’s national framework.
- Targeted advice and information on matters such as nutrition, exercise and smoking cessation should be made available to empower patients to maximise healthy choices.
- Ongoing support for peer networks.
- Develop the use of personal health budgets (PHB) among HIV patients
- Bring together groups and charities working with the elderly and those living with HIV to help meet the needs of the ageing cohort.
- Mandatory basic training in HIV to be brought in for all those working in health and social care, helping to increase confidence and competence.
This research was produced by 20/20health as a consultancy project for Gilead. All content, conclusions and views are those of the authors alone. All facts have been cross-checked for accuracy as far as possible.